Short News

Education & Training A.

- The new training programs will be online on October 5.
- XXIV Master en Dirección y Gestión en Comercio Internacional (ENAE)

TEEB Project & ICSA

The report of Project TEEB Economic Valuation of Biodiversidady already available for download. Other previous reports in documentation section. Download report...


Coinciding with the III centenary of his birth and the 250th anniversary of their major work, we will meet at University of Murcia researchers from different fields of knowledge from Europe and Latin America, to discuss Rousseau's work and the relevance of his thought.

Partners Health FP7 SSH

New agreement for Health SSH FP7


The ICSA Institute is well known for its collaborative approach and genuine engagement with leaders in the field. Our work begins at the intersection of action and knowledge, talent and capacity, ideas and spaces, and scholarship and practice. Whether partnering to co-produce new insight about leadership or co-designing a customized leadership development initiative, our staff, fellows, and consultants are ready to work with you to solve real challenges and to make environmental/social change - from the ground up. If you think ICSA can help your organization address a critical challenge you face, please e-mail us . We look forward to hearing about your work.


Sample Partnership Opportunities

Project Design and Enhancement:
We help organizations conceptualize and develop programs/projects to produce significant measurable outcomes, leverage current success into future opportunities, better meet the needs of stakeholders and constituents, and foster sustainability and growth. Our aim is to not only help organizations better achieve their missions but to make them ready and able to handle challenges in the future.
Workshops and Learning Sessions:
ICSA’s workshops marry the latest scholarly findings on effective practices with the innovative approaches that emerge from the daily work of nonprofit, government and philanthropic endeavors. These immersive, interactive sessions are based on a peer-learning model, in which participants share insights with colleagues and counterparts at other organizations and ground new leadership theories and models in their own experiences.
Building and Supporting Networks:
We develop structured convenings where customers explore the complexity of the challenges they face and together advance their efforts to make change possible. Because tackling issues of public concern requires the engagement of actors across sectors, we convene private, government and nonprofit organizations to engage in dialogue about issues such as how to improve public schools, advance health care, preserve natural resources and protect the most vulnerable in society.
Technical Assistance and Training in Innovative Research Techniques:
Based on ICSA’s deep expertise in action learning methodologies and peer-learning, the institute offers technical assistance and training to organizations that want to incorporate ongoing learning and leadership development into their organizational cultures.


If you want to find out more about this, an e-mail or call +34 902 113 792 to us is all it takes.

ICSA, Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Ambientales Ethics

The ICSA operates under the highest standards of ethics, integrity and confidentiality. Our commitment to our customer is to maintain their complete confidentiality and not to disclose any of their personal information without their full knowledge and approval.